Umbillical Cord Complications

Injuries from the Umbillical Cord Wrapped Around the Neck – Nuchal Cord

According to March of Dimes, one in four babies is born with the umbilical cord wrapped around its neck.  In the medical field, this condition is often termed “nuchal cord.”  It rarely causes serious complications, but it can cut off the blood supply to the baby in some cases.

When a baby’s umbilical cord is wrapped around his or her neck, the heart rate may be abnormal.  The doctor may also notice the umbilical cord around the baby’s neck during an ultrasound, or he or she may feel the cord around the neck during delivery.  In most cases, the cord won’t be tight enough around the neck to cause any lasting damage to the baby.  However, if the cord does become too tight, the doctor must deliver the baby more quickly, perform a cesarean section or manually loosen the cord.  If the doctor fails to take these actions, the lack of oxygen to the baby can cause permanent neurological damage or even death.

Ultimately, failure to perform a C-section or waiting too long to do a C-section is the most common cause of preventable serious birth injury.  Such is often the case with nuchal cord.

Some Lawyers Focus on Umbilical Cord Complications and other Birth Injuries

If your baby was born with his or her umbilical cord wrapped around the neck, it is not necessarily the doctor’s fault.  Like the statistics say, one in four.  However, if there were signs of the condition and/or fetal distress and the doctor failed to act appropriately, you may be entitled to compensation, especially if your child died or sustained a lasting physical injury.  If you hire a lawyer that specializes in serious birth injury or nuchal cord cases, he or she can review your child’s medical records to determine whether the doctor and/or other medical staff followed the recommended medical protocol.  If your attorney finds that the doctor, hospital or other medical personnel may have been negligent or committed malpractice, he or she can file a lawsuit against the parties in question.  If the lawsuit ends in your favor, you may receive compensation for your child’s related medical costs.

A Lawyer Specializing in Cases Where the Doctor Didn’t Perform a C-Section Quickly Enough

To find the best attorney to represent you in your case, it is wise to choose a lawyer with experience in your type of case.  If you are ready to get started, you can begin your research here on our website.  We publish real statistics generated by the Judiciary (the court system).  We do this because it’s important to know which medical malpractice lawyer is the best, at least according to the statistics.  Using our tools, statistics and relevant information, you can sift through the candidates and choose the best legal representation for you.  If you need any further assistance, don’t hesitate to contact us.
