Maryland Lawsuits AgainstYves-Richard Dole, M.D.

Baltimore, MD 21202

This website does not represent the outcome of these lawsuits against Yves-Richard Dole, M.D., nor does it judge the veracity of the accusations therein.  In Maryland, however, all medical malpractice lawsuits require a certificate from an actively practicing doctor vouching for the merit of the lawsuit.

Dr. Dole is currently an attending OB-GYN physician at Mercy Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland.  Mercy Hospital has been listed as a defendant in a lawsuit numerous times, which you can find here. Dr. Dole is a Board-Certified obstetrician-gynecologist who, among others, makes up the Metropolitan OB-GYN team of physicians. The Metropolitan OB-GYN team of physicians consists of several doctors who practice in the field of obstetric and gynecologic services affiliated with Mercy Hospital.

Based on publicly available records and data, Dr. Dole has been named as a co-defendant in one Maryland medical malpractice case. While the Maryland circuit court complaint is available in a PDF below, here is an excerpt of the allegations:

  • Failing to appropriately assess the risk for preterm delivery and cervical insufficiency.  The plaintiff presented with over the weeks prior to birth with a 3cm dilated and 90% effaced cervix.
  • Failing to perform a rescue cerclage. Despite presenting with a high risk for pre-term labor, due to being 90% effaced and having three therapeutic abortions prior to this pregnancy, and being admitted for “dilation and bulging bag,” the defendants did not consider her a candidate for a rescue cerclage.
  • Failing to ensure the plaintiff was on strict bedrest, performing a fetal fibronectin test, and appropriately administer and manage magnesium sulfate for neuroprotection.  The Plaintiff alleged that if a fetal fibronectin test was done, that would have likely helped to quickly rule out preterm labor.  In addition, proper precautions were allegedly not taken to secure the neuroprotection of the fetus.  A fetal fibronectin test was ordered, and then apparently cancelled one hour later.

Last updated August 16, 2021

Yves-Richard Dole, M.D. Lawsuit Statistics


Complaint #1 - Yves-Richard-Dole-Birth-Injury-Lawsuit.pdf