Maryland Lawsuits AgainstFawn Manning, D.O.

Baltimore, MD 21225

This website does not represent the outcome of these lawsuits against Fawn Manning, D.O., nor does it judge the veracity of the accusations therein.  In Maryland, however, all medical malpractice lawsuits require a certificate from an actively practicing doctor vouching for the merit of the lawsuit.

Fawn Manning, D.O. is an osteopath specializing in obstetrics and gynecology. She has been  affiliated with Mercy Medical Center and Sinai Hospital. Her most recent affiliation is with Medstar Harbor Hospital. Dr. Manning has extensive experience in the treatment of pregnancy related hypertension and uterine abnormalities. Although this page is focused solely on Dr. Manning, you can find information about medical malpractice lawsuits filed against Medstar Harbor Hospital here.

Based on publicly available records and data, Dr. Manning has been named as a co-defendant in three Maryland medical malpractice cases. While two of the three Maryland circuit court complaints are available in a PDF below, here is an excerpt of the allegations:

The first available complaint against Dr. Manning lists the following allegations:

  • Failing to properly perform a vaginal delivery. The complaint contends that the plaintiff was admitted to the defendant hospital with reports of pregnancy related contractions. After several hours of labor, her infant purportedly descended into the birth canal. At this point the infant’s shoulder allegedly became trapped behind the plaintiff’s pubic bone, an event known as shoulder dystocia. The defendant doctors then reportedly failed to recognize that shoulder dystocia had occurred and consequently utilized excessive force in removing the infant from the birth canal. As maintained in the complaint, their actions violated appropriate standards of care that require specialized techniques to alleviate shoulder dystocia and ensure a safe vaginal delivery.
  • Failing to prevent patient harm. Per the complaint, the plaintiff’s infant suffered facial bruising and brain swelling due to the excessive force used during delivery. She was later diagnosed with a left arm nerve injury known as Erb’s Palsy, which as stated in the complaint will probably remain severe even with surgery and ongoing treatment. The complaint contends that this likely permanent injury was directly caused by the defendant doctors’ failure to provide appropriate standards of care. As further asserted in the complaint, had the defendant doctors proceeded with the correct course of action to relieve the shoulder dystocia that presented during delivery, the plaintiff’s infant would likely have been born healthy.

The second available complaint against Dr. Manning lists the following allegations:

  • Failing to properly manage a complex delivery. The complaint contends that the plaintiff was admitted to the defendant hospital at 39 weeks and 4 days gestation due to concerns that she had developed a blood pressure disorder known as pre-eclampsia.  She then allegedly underwent an extended period of labor. To accelerate delivery, the defendant doctor purportedly used a vacuum extractor to remove the baby from the birth canal. However, it ostensibly took three attempts for her to successfully remove the fetal head in this manner. The fetus’s shoulder then reportedly became trapped behind the plaintiff’s pubic bone, an event known as shoulder dystocia. According to the complaint, the defendant doctor then applied excessive force to fully remove the baby from the birth canal.
  • Failing to perform a timely and necessary cesarean section. As maintained in the complaint, the defendant doctor did not adhere to appropriate standards of care when she proceeded with a vaginal delivery even after several unsuccessful attempts at fetal vacuum extraction. Had she converted to a cesarean section after the first failed vacuum extraction attempt, the complaint contends, the plaintiff’s baby would have been delivered without the added complication of shoulder dystocia.
  • Failing to prevent patient harm. Per the complaint, the plaintiff’s infant suffered a left arm nerve injury known as Erb’s Palsy due to the excessive force used to relieve his shoulder dystocia during delivery. The complaint alleges that this injury is likely permanent and was directly caused by the defendant doctor’s failure to provide appropriate standards of care. Had the defendant doctors administered a timely cesarean section instead of proceeding with a vaginal delivery, the complaint avers, the plaintiff’s infant would likely have been born healthy.

Last updated August 16, 2021

Fawn Manning, D.O. Lawsuit Statistics


Complaint #1 - Fawn-Manning-complaint-1.pdf

Complaint #2 - Fawn-Manning-Complaint-2.pdf